Monday, November 22, 2004

One step at a time...

Well, things are still progressing, but at times I almost lose hope. But, in retrospect, we are getting there. The floors are sanded, and have one coat of polish (and they look so much better). The walls and ceilings are painted, and by the end of this day so will the picture rails, skirting boards, architraves, etc. By the end of the week, two more coats of floor goop will be down, and the kitchen should be in. So, the other house is ticking towards completion, thank the Lord for that.

As for study, assignments are slowly finding their way from the "due" pile to the "done" pile. Assignments done since the last post include:

  • POI21: A1
  • VIS15: A8
  • LST210: A5
  • VIS15: A9
So, I guess, things are getting somewhere. I'm not sure if I feel it though.

In two days, exams start - something to look forward to, I guess.

Anyway, better get round to the other house, by joy by gum, by golly! Yay. Here I go.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Time to wake up

By jingo, i almost feel like I've slept for the last few days, and in saying that I also feel like I haven't slept! To explain, I have got absolutely nothing done over the last few days, apart from the fancy dress at church. On the other side, the kids have been waking me up at night, and I feel really wrecked. Golly.

Today, I have to finish at least two assignments, and when I say that I really mean it or I'll be in big trouble. I'll also need to put some new stuff on C.B.'s web site for her this evening. That is a relatively small thing, though, as the assignments are the big nasties for the day.

And I just want to sleep!

I really don't know how I'll get through this, I really don't. But I have no choice.

I just can't wait to get rid of the other house, I really can't. I am so looking forward to getting back to a simple life, a life that is liveable and enjoyable, where I can have my part in the family and be glad of it. At the moment, everything is shoved out of the way for this infernal other house. But, soon, it will be done, and then I will be rejoicing, and trust me, I won't be putting myself in the same position again, by gum! I don't want to stand back and say, "Golly, look at what we achieved; let's do it again". No, I will enjoy just studying and writing - two things which are suffering at the moment. I will enjoy being a dad, something which is taking the backseat while I slave with sanders and hammers and paintbrushes, etc. I will enjoy being involved in what I really believe in.

So, having winged excessively, I now turn to the nasties for the day, and get into it. I have no choice.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Wood dust keeps falling on my head...

By jiminy, by gum, by golly, I am a tad on the sore and tired side. I have been sanding the floors at the other house for twelve hours a day for the last few days, and it is not a walk in the park. All the floors are done with the belt sander and edging sander, apart from the laundry and bathroom (ahh....the bathroom). On Saturday I will finish with the laundry and bathroom, and then run the "Go West..." evening at church. On Monday I will use the finishing sander and put down the first layer of goop. On Tuesday I will finish the goop and put down another coat. On Wednesday I will finishing sand for the last time and then put down the final layer of goop, and then not go back there for days.


Between times, I have an assignment for POI21, and another for VIS15, to finish. Gosh. The POI21 will keep me up late, I can tell.

Right now I am on campus in NOV11. This is fortuitous, because I haven't touched V. for a while. I'll try and get a bit done today of C3: Cult. Otherwise, it'll be work work work. Better get to it. As they say;

There is no rest for the wicked.

I just didn't realise I was so wicked. I'm beginning to wonder if there is any rest for the righteous, either. Oh, well.