By jingo, i almost feel like I've slept for the last few days, and in saying that I also feel like I haven't slept! To explain, I have got absolutely nothing done over the last few days, apart from the fancy dress at church. On the other side, the kids have been waking me up at night, and I feel really wrecked. Golly.
Today, I have to finish at least two assignments, and when I say that I really mean it or I'll be in big trouble. I'll also need to put some new stuff on C.B.'s web site for her this evening. That is a relatively small thing, though, as the assignments are the big nasties for the day.
And I just want to sleep!
I really don't know how I'll get through this, I really don't. But I have no choice.
I just can't wait to get rid of the other house, I really can't. I am so looking forward to getting back to a simple life, a life that is liveable and enjoyable, where I can have my part in the family and be glad of it. At the moment, everything is shoved out of the way for this infernal other house. But, soon, it will be done, and then I will be rejoicing, and trust me, I won't be putting myself in the same position again, by gum! I don't want to stand back and say, "Golly, look at what we achieved; let's do it again". No, I will enjoy just studying and writing - two things which are suffering at the moment. I will enjoy being a dad, something which is taking the backseat while I slave with sanders and hammers and paintbrushes, etc. I will enjoy being involved in what I really believe in.
So, having winged excessively, I now turn to the nasties for the day, and get into it. I have no choice.