In my last post I spoke about the excitement of having stopped studying - at least momentarily. Well, now I have. Hurrah! I've finished my Master of Education, and while I found it interesting it is really nice not to be studying any more. I have actually been reading some things for the simple reason of because I have wanted to for a long time and am now finally able to.
Having said that, M is now studying, so studying is still a large part of my life.
On the home front, things are pretty good, although with a house full of teenagers and people who think that they're practically teenagers and therefore have a right to behave like them it is still pretty full on at times. But things are good.
Work is definitely full on. I think that is how work is. The people at the top in the department expect a kazillion things of the people below them, and the stress and tension filters down through the prin class, leading teachers to me and class teachers and so-on through the system, kind of like a bad flu. I am trying to hold onto the principles I find in the Bible, which are:
- I do my job properly because it is a reflection of my character.
- My job is not my life, and therefore has to be let go of when I am not there so I can live my life.
- My job is not as important as many other things, such as my family, and therefore I have to prioritise my mind to ensure that I nurture those things that are most important to me.
- I do not hold myself too accountable, i.e., I do my best and I do what I can, and what I didn't get done either wasn't that important after all or can get done tomorrow.
Essentially, I have to have faith. Either I believe that - if I do the right thing - God will bless my work, or I stress out because I am on my own and therefore everything is up to me. It is a battle.
Writing hasn't been happening though. After getting rolling last year it faltered again this year. I have been so busy and tired that getting it all in my head has been a struggle. It is frustrating me. I think I just have to stop analysing the barriers and get on with it!
Anyways, I better get back to it, it actually being a huge variety of things. Yippee!
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