Thursday, September 23, 2004

I think I can...

Now here's a thing. Last night I had a bit of a realisation (ka-ching), and I realised that blogging before I work of an evening would probably be better in some ways than blogging after I work. Why is this so, you ask? Well let me tell you, and not just in prose, but in dot points!

  • Firstly, it means that I blog, rather than what has generally been happening, which can be best summarised by the thought, "I should blog right now, but I am so tired, blow it, I'll just go to bed..."
  • Secondly, it will hopefully mean that there are less errors, spelling mistakes, pointless repetitions, and bemoaning rambles.
  • Thirdly, it kind of gets the fingers and head going, in that I have crossed the writing "edge", and am writing, which will hopefully cross over into whatever I am working on.
Sounds goo in theory, doesn't it. However, I didn't get to test out my theory because I was so tired that I went to bed.

I have been round at the other house today, sawing, framing, drilling and climbing around in the roof. I got a bit done, which was good, but I came home with an absolute cracker of a headache. I took a couple of pain killers, so now I am a little bit worried that they might make me drowsy as well. I'll soon see, I guess. Until then, I have to keep going.

Another realisation that I had was that I don't use the block quote feature of this blog enough, in that I have not used it at all.

So it's probably about time I rectified that (which I think I may just have done). Despite that rather frivolous usage of it, I shall have to remember it for future reference.

Anyway, I have got the old fingers tap-tap-tapping, so I might just spring into it without any more loody-doo.

P.S. I can see, looking at what I have just typed, that the title of this piece seems to bear very little relationship to the text. This is for several different reasons:
  1. I had a lot of tourble as it was deciding on a title;
  2. I need to keep going while I still can; and
  3. Because my mind is a bit of a mess at the best of times.
The reason I chose "I think I can..." for a title is because I think I can keep going tonight. I know, not very profound. Sorry to disappoint you.

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