Saturday, February 18, 2006

Another day, another bank charge...

Well, PAC30:A1 is moving along slowly but surely. It is interesting, but as with most things it is hard to keep it going when I'm tired. H. has popped in with W. so the house is in a bit of an uproar. Then again, when is the house not in a bit of an uproar. M. is in the middle of a particularly heavy femaleness at the moment which is making her tired, plus the weather is hot, it being summer and all. In all, domestic life is abundant.

Church has finally got a new YP leader, which is both a wrench and a relief. They're not my kids, buts it's like they're my kids, almost. I'll miss that. However, I am sure there will be plenty for me to do.

I haven't really got to do much study today, or yesterday for that matter. Yesterday I took the kit out to J.'s school and let the kids have a go. They all enjoyed it. I'll be taking it to another couple of primary schools in a couple of weeks. The next week and a half will be busy though as I have to finish PAC30:A1 and also:
  • CMM38:A3;
  • ENG210:A3;
  • PAC30:A2;
  • EDU120:A3;
  • CMM37:A3;
  • and the PAC30 exam.
That is not as bad as it has been in the past.

I'm just so tired. It is so hard to keep an essay in my head when I am tired. It is so hard to recall where all the good quotes are, as well. Having said that, I tidied up my textbooks a little so at least that makes it a little easier.

I have finished Macbeth and am into Antony and Cleopatra, although I am not finding it as gripping as Macbeth was. I'm getting through it though. I am also going to be getting (I admit guiltily) a load of books from eBay. Naughty naughty naughty.

On another front, the other house really does look like it is going to go through, which is fantastic. We should be getting enough to cover pretty much everything we wanted it to cover, including a new computer (at last!!!). Most of all it will "ease the squeeze" - to use a Lathamism - on the weekly budget.

There was an interesting discussion on the ENG210 discussion board which got quite personal at the end (if not at the beginning?!?) which was quite diverting. It looks like it has moved to more private domains, however. Anyway, I had better keep going.

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