You see, and for all of my dedicated readers (oh look, there goes the Queen....nope, she was knocked over by a flying pig), I have to make an admission that may make you gasp, choke and then spit your drink out in shocked betrayal. You see, I also have a journal, in that it is a small book with nonline paper in which I scratch away with a pen. "Why?" you say, "Why do you have this other journal? I though you were telling us about your life, such as it is." Well, let me try and achieve your understanding, my dear reader.
It goes like this; I had my paper journal first, and I found it helpful and useful. In it I capture more private things, and also thoughts, inspirations, and scratchings about my writing and learning. I was told at the biginning of FIC11 last year that:
- most (or many, or some, or maybe just one or two) successful writers from history kept writer's journals;
- many (or at least a few) modern published and successful (or at least more successful thus far than I) writers keep writer's journals; and
- when I am mega famous (?!?!?) I can donate it to a charity auction, and its sale price can be taken off my taxable income; plus
- when I am dead and well beyond mega famous, but have reached legendary status (?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?), my children can sell them for millions.
So why the blog?
Well, as I said a few days ago, I wanted to capture my journey from here to there, V written and published, study done and passed, and myself perhaps stronger and better as a father and husband. I want this to - perhaps - capture my more personal journey, less of events and specifics (like which assignment I am working on or which child got into trouble at school), but more the spirit of my journey - my motivation, my feelings about myself, my hopes, my good and my less than good times. My journal is more prosaic, and at times more private. This blog is perhaps more personal.
Well, something like that.
So, I do my journal at the start of the day - what am I working on, what are my goals for the day, what happened yesterday - and I do my blog at the end of the day - whether I met my goals for the day, how I felt about the day, how I feel about my progress. And when I had sorted this out in my head, I then didn't do it. Typical. I collapsed at my desk last night. I just haven't been getting enough sleep. Look at these bed times - 2.00am, 1.00am, 2.00am, 3.00am, 6.30am, camping - i.e., poor sleep -, 3.00am, 2.00am. So I collapsed. I tried to tell M that I couldn't do anything, but I couldn't even get down the steps to the loungeroom. Apparently she found me lying on the top of the bed sideways fully dressed, and had to bully me to get into bed. I was a wreck. So, I didn't get this blog done (or the assignment for NET11).
Oh well.
But at least I had good music playing, so all is not lost.
Anyway, I had better get on with everything for today, including finisheing everything and getting my end of day post done for this blog.
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