Tuesday, August 31, 2004

One after the other

Well, the last assignment for NET11 has been completed, which means that I am now finished that "round" of units off-campus, and am ready to start the next round. These are LST210, POI21, VIS14 and VIS15. Actually, to be honest, I'm looking forwards to the two Visual Arts Theory units; something different to break things up a bit.

Assignment-wise, there seems to be more of less, in that there are more assignments, but they are - on average - smaller. I'd like to think that this is a good thing, but whatever thing it is it's what I've got so I'll battle on regardless.

M will be happy that I've finished these units; this round of units - or particularly the last two weeks of it - have been fairly rough on her. I won't say we've been strangers, because we haven't, but we've missed each other. The kids won't notice the change; I worked hard at trying to maintain some normality with them.

This round I have to do things differently. I have to maintain a viable lifestyle. I have to complete enough study to be getting ahead every week. I need to be spending some time each week on V. I need to spend some time each week on the other house, to start getting it in a more acceptable condition. I need to spend time with my family, and on this, and on that. And let's not forget on-campus studies, which are only going to get busier.

So there is no time to rest yet. The future looks busy, and just as I lay this round to rest, another stomps in, bright and bold, big and daunting.

Life, as always, and ever, one thing after the other.

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